Dr. rer. pol., Partner
E-mail: fh@gcn.ch
Mobile +41 79 772 93 30
"Creative edge - Thinking out of the Box" - unconventionel (yet systematic) analysis, conception and
implementation combined with stringent result orientation allow new and future oriented, entrepreneurial design leeway due to fresh perspectives:
"Impossible" - does not exist! "Possible!" - on new ways.
Short CV
Born 1956.
Studies of economics at the University of Basle 1975-1980. Assistent at the Institute for applied economical research of the University of Basle 1981-1983. Promotion 1984/85 with a doctoral thesis
about the money politics of the Swiss National Bank. 1998/99 Studies of the penal law at the University of Basle. Education as EFQM Assessor 2006.
1984-1991 several engagements with Swiss universal and private banking corporations with scope on economics, foreign exchange trading and international institutional investors and asset managers
Foundation and leading of a financial consulting company 1995-1999.
Career change to professional general staff officer of the Swiss Army 1999-2014 (at the staff college, as chief of staff of the general staff school,
assigned staff officer to the commander of the operations HQ, head of military stratgeic training in the oprational training command and project leader of several large army-training exercises,
regular participant of NATO training courses and international staff training exercises; OSZE part time verificator; judge at the military appeal court).
Head Group Financial Affairs 2014-2016 of a midsize Swiss multinational entity.
2017/2018 Senior Consultant for projects of international defence procurement.